From the steps of the Lincoln Memorial...
Fox News’ Glen Beck and his Saturday “Restoring Honor” Rally was a celebration of the military, patriotism and American heritage
Saturday, August 28, 2010
* brings us the following report this early Saturday afternoon and it starts off like this... A sea of people rallied on the hallowed steps of the Lincoln Memorial on Saturday as conservative commentator Glenn Beck and other heroes of the "tea party" movement honored Americans serving in the military and delivered stirring calls to turn the nation back to God and to protect the traditional values that they said make the country exceptional...
Read the full report at link below...
Beck, Palin tell thousands to 'restore America'
* reports it this way... Fox News commentator Glenn Beck and Tea
Party heroine Sarah Palin exhorted tens of thousands of fans and activists gathered on the National Mall in Washington to embrace the nation’s tradition of religion as part of their decision-making and daily life... “Something beyond imagination is happening,” Beck said. “America today begins to turn back to God.”...
Read the full report at link below...
Beck, Palin Stress God, Country as Tea Party Activists Rally in Washington
Beck: America Is Turning "Back to God
About Video: From the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, broadcaster Glenn Beck has told a crowd of tens of thousands... [more like near ½ a million] people gathering on the National Mall that their country has "wandered in darkness" for too long. (Aug. 28th)
Palin: "We Must Restore America"
About Video: Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin greeted by chants of "USA, USA, USA" from many in the crowd, told the gathering, "It is so humbling to get to be here with you today, patriots. You who are motivated and engaged ... and knowing never to retreat." (Aug. 28th)
Both above News Videos posted on You Tube by AssociatedPress
It is going to be interesting to watch how the MSM reports... or underreports / downplays this event over the next few days.
Damn... there was a LOT of people there! As the above videos show...
Post Update:
4:30pm CDT
> reports... How many people jammed the National Mall Saturday to take part in Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally? Tens of thousands? Certainly. One hundred thousand? Perhaps. Half a million? No one can really say for sure...
Read the rest at link below...
Glenn Beck rally drew a crowd. But how big?
> The Wall Street Journal has the following report posted up on their website this Saturday afternoon and it goes in part like this... The Beck rally organizers say the event is a fund-raiser for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, a Tampa, Fla.,-based group that gives scholarship grants to the children of special-operations soldiers killed in battle. The group, which took in $5.7 million in contributions last year, also is paying for the event, which is expected to cost at least $2 million. The foundation's website says it is currently providing educational grants to more than 800 children... Mr. Beck said at the end of the rally Saturday that $5.5 million had been raised...
Read the full report at link below...
Beck, Palin Stress 'Honor' at Rally
Above link has slide and video
> reports...
Networks take different paths in covering Glenn Beck 'Restoring Honor' rally
Very nice Slideshow at link above or click HERE to view
Fox News’ Glen Beck and his Saturday “Restoring Honor” Rally was a celebration of the military, patriotism and American heritage
Saturday, August 28, 2010
* brings us the following report this early Saturday afternoon and it starts off like this... A sea of people rallied on the hallowed steps of the Lincoln Memorial on Saturday as conservative commentator Glenn Beck and other heroes of the "tea party" movement honored Americans serving in the military and delivered stirring calls to turn the nation back to God and to protect the traditional values that they said make the country exceptional...
Read the full report at link below...
Beck, Palin tell thousands to 'restore America'
* reports it this way... Fox News commentator Glenn Beck and Tea

Read the full report at link below...
Beck, Palin Stress God, Country as Tea Party Activists Rally in Washington
Beck: America Is Turning "Back to God
About Video: From the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, broadcaster Glenn Beck has told a crowd of tens of thousands... [more like near ½ a million] people gathering on the National Mall that their country has "wandered in darkness" for too long. (Aug. 28th)
Palin: "We Must Restore America"
About Video: Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin greeted by chants of "USA, USA, USA" from many in the crowd, told the gathering, "It is so humbling to get to be here with you today, patriots. You who are motivated and engaged ... and knowing never to retreat." (Aug. 28th)
Both above News Videos posted on You Tube by AssociatedPress
It is going to be interesting to watch how the MSM reports... or underreports / downplays this event over the next few days.
Damn... there was a LOT of people there! As the above videos show...
Post Update:
4:30pm CDT
> reports... How many people jammed the National Mall Saturday to take part in Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally? Tens of thousands? Certainly. One hundred thousand? Perhaps. Half a million? No one can really say for sure...
Read the rest at link below...
Glenn Beck rally drew a crowd. But how big?
> The Wall Street Journal has the following report posted up on their website this Saturday afternoon and it goes in part like this... The Beck rally organizers say the event is a fund-raiser for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, a Tampa, Fla.,-based group that gives scholarship grants to the children of special-operations soldiers killed in battle. The group, which took in $5.7 million in contributions last year, also is paying for the event, which is expected to cost at least $2 million. The foundation's website says it is currently providing educational grants to more than 800 children... Mr. Beck said at the end of the rally Saturday that $5.5 million had been raised...
Read the full report at link below...
Beck, Palin Stress 'Honor' at Rally
Above link has slide and video
> reports...
Networks take different paths in covering Glenn Beck 'Restoring Honor' rally
Very nice Slideshow at link above or click HERE to view
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