Thursday, May 03, 2012

Here we go again - Syria Uprising Creates Fear of WMD Spread

Thursday, May 03, 2012
THE HAGUE (Reuters) have the following report posted today and it starts off like this… With an uprising in Syria loosening the grip of president Bashar al-Assad, world powers are worried that he could lose control of a secret stockpile of chemical weapons, giving militants access to deadly poison gas… Syria is one of just eight states - along with its arch foe Israel and nearby Egypt - that have not joined the 1997 Chemical Weapons Convention, which means the world's chemical weapons watchdog, has no jurisdiction to intervene there… Western countries believe that Damascus has the world's largest remaining stockpile of undeclared chemical weapons - including mustard gas and the deadly VX nerve agent - which Assad maintains as a counterbalance to Israel's undeclared nuclear arsenal…
Read the rest at link below…
Still can’t help but believe that some of that stockpile is from the PAST Saddam Hussein, MOVED stockpiles. But that is another story…
Image Credit: Iran Press TV website

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