Saturday, September 03, 2005


With overwhelming pressure from the U.S. on Syria to stand-up and start doing its part to help in this war on terror… I think I’m finally starting to see what just might be the start of the leaders of Syria finally getting the message and by doing so actually starting to stand up and face the extremists head on inside of their own country… It’s a well needed start and how it goes from here god only knows… But I think the beginning of something BIG is in the making and this can only be the results of the hard work of our fighting men and women over there in the region. Yes… Our men and women have made an impression, a statement on the region in and around Afghanistan and Iraq…
It’s a powerfull statement too about Good Peoples and those powerful words so many across the world wish to speak- “FREEDOM.” And I tell you this now- "Freedom- it's such a POWERFULL THING!!!”
Good read today about- Syrian security forces killing Militants -Click it out!!!

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