November 28, 2005
U.S. Soldiers discovered more than 2,700 mortar rounds near an abandoned Iraqi Army base south of Kirkuk Sunday morning, Nov. 27.
Soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division’s 2nd Battalion, 1st Brigade Combat Team, and explosive ordnance disposal experts began the task of unearthing the weapons from a mound located in a field full of similar mounds. Iraqi and U.S. forces are securing the site and preparing to excavate the remaining mounds in search of additional weapons.
This cache alone has yielded as much explosive material as gathered in the brigade’s area over the past two months, according to the EOD team at the site.
Weapons and explosives seized by Iraqi and U.S. forces are normally moved to a secure location and disposed of through controlled detonations in order to keep them from being used against local citizens and coalition forces.
Also in the news today... Soldiers from Multinational Division Central-South captured 20 men suspected of terrorism in the northern part of Babil province Nov. 28.
The suspected men were armed. MNDCS Soldiers also seized machine guns, ammunition and other equipment. This equipment is secured for investigation.
(Taken from MNF-I Press Release A051128a and A051128b)
>> Read more good news at DoD......
‘Patrol Uncovers Weapons, Bomb Materials’
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