Sunday, November 06, 2005

Iraq... Syria... Iran... and the War on Terror

It is coming...
All one has to do is read the Tea Leaves...

Our President has done everything but come straight out and tell the Syrians... “We are coming.” And then we have Iran in the mix......

Just this past Friday, the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad... in a phone conference with Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad... expressed his country's support to Syria against any wrongs by the West, (America in other words.) It’s going to be very interesting early next year no doubt...

As Iraq stands up... even stronger after their elections next month, (little news on this from the MSM,) we will be able to stand down, (in IRAQ that is,) and take this war over the boarder. It’s coming... Not by us wishing it to be so but by the fact that this War and our enemies will make it so... So many Americans forgets the goals of our enemies and coming home and leaving the job undone over there is not going to win this War. As our President has more or less said over and over again... “Iraq is only part of this war on terror.” Yes-- it is the main battlefield today, yet the enemies of MASS MURDER are coming from the surrounding countries around it.

If the President holds true to his commitment that we will take the fight to the enemy, (and he seems to be a man of his word,) than I would not want to be in power in Syria next year... My bet is that these leaders had best make their burial arrangements soon. I doubt too many of them will be around this time next year......

Yes... It is coming...
Not by our hands... but by the hands of our Enemies......

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