I think the first post I did-- right before I made my 1st Casualty post says it best. So here it is again......
If President Bush should break the Law
Post date - Friday, June 17, 2005
If President Bush wanted to break the Law for any reason, I would have to wish he would do so by doing this… SPAM!!! Yep… I said spam. He should make DoD spam every E-Mail account owned by a US citizen and spam it with-- The Department of Defense Press Releases, (that seem to come several a day these days,) on US War Casualties.
Here’s why I would wish this. In the news media today, they seem to be more concerned on the numbers of dead, (to make some point of view,) NOT on the people who just died. I’m sorry but that’s JUST SO WRONG!!! When is the last time you saw a major news company report- “Today____ died on____ Date... from_____.” You haven’t. Some reason that person died for their country protecting us and yet their name will not be mention for nothing. I guess that’s not important enough to bring up these days. Just the numbers, make a point, make the news……
From this day forward-- AubreyJ.org shall post these DoD Press Releases for I believe we all should take a moment and remember our dead as we learn about them. Hell-- These are people... NOT NUMBERS.............
With this said I take a moment to shed a tear and post my first DoD Casualty Press Release on this site.......... (And I’ve been doing it ever since.)
… 11 Months Later-- all I can say is God bless each and every one of them…
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