U.S. National Intelligence Estimate
Is Out

The Key Judgments and how they came to them can be found at the following link from the DNI website...
The Terrorist Threat to the US Homeland

The Key Judgments and how they came to them can be found at the following link from the DNI website...
The Terrorist Threat to the US Homeland
DNI image
>>> Dems Respond... Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made the following statement today in response to publication of the unclassified key judgments of a new National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on “The Terrorist Threat to the US Homeland” ...
Read Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s statement in full at link below...
Reid: New Intelligence Report Underscores Need For Overhaul Of Bush Administration Efforts On Terrorism, Change In Iraq Strategy
>>> Republicans Respond... Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) today released the following statement on the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) Terrorist Threats to the US Homeland, which outlines the threat to the United States over the next several years...
Read Republican Leader John Boehner’s statement in full at link below...
Boehner: NIE Report Confirms America Must Stay Vigilant in Confronting al Qaeda and Worldwide Terrorist Threat
>>> Dems Respond... Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made the following statement today in response to publication of the unclassified key judgments of a new National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on “The Terrorist Threat to the US Homeland” ...
Read Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s statement in full at link below...
Reid: New Intelligence Report Underscores Need For Overhaul Of Bush Administration Efforts On Terrorism, Change In Iraq Strategy
>>> Republicans Respond... Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) today released the following statement on the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) Terrorist Threats to the US Homeland, which outlines the threat to the United States over the next several years...
Read Republican Leader John Boehner’s statement in full at link below...
Boehner: NIE Report Confirms America Must Stay Vigilant in Confronting al Qaeda and Worldwide Terrorist Threat
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