Saturday, February 04, 2006

Afghanistan: And the fighting goes on

As most Americans slowly forget about Iraq this year and the MSM starts focusing in on Iran... the already forgotten battles in the country of Afghanistan continue to go on without hardly any MSM coverage.

If you ask me what the main issue will be during the 2006 elections... I’d have to say the War on Terror. It’s going to get ugly this year folks-- real ugly. And no... This will not be by our wishes but by the wishes of our enemies......

Read more on what’s happening in Afghanistan HERE... and HERE... The MSM isn’t going to report on it...

(The read below courtesy of DoD - American Forces Press Service & taken from a Combined Forces Command Afghanistan news release.)
Eight Detained in Southern Afghanistan Fighting

BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan, February 04, 2006
Eight enemy fighters were detained and a motorcycle was destroyed after Afghan and U. S. forces attacked enemy forces that fired on a government complex in Afghanistan’s Helmand province.

Six Afghan National Police were killed, as were an unknown number of enemy forces. Battle damage assessment continues, officials said.

Close-air support was called to the scene of the attack. British Harriers, Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt II and B-52 Stratofortress aircraft responded to the scene, attacking enemy positions and forcing them to flee into a nearby town.

"Afghan and coalition forces reacted quickly to these events," said Army Lt. Col. Jerry O'Hara, Combined Joint Task Force 76 spokesman. "Our forces will continue our aggressive attacks on the enemy whenever and wherever they attempt to conduct their operations.”

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