Of Space Shuttle Endeavour STS-126
Friday, November 14, 2008
Launch Time: 7:55pm EST

(File photo courtesy of NASA)
This will be Launch Try #ONE
Liftoff remains on schedule - The weather forecast calls for a 70 percent chance of acceptable conditions and the launch team reports no technical issues
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Launch will be attempted today
Friday, November 14, 2008
at 7:55pm EST
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Image above: Endeavour's external fuel tank gracefully falls away from the shuttle.
Photo credit: NASA/KSC
The giant orange tank that provided fuel for Endeavour's climb into space is now empty and is jettisoning from the shuttle. As the tank falls away and descends toward Earth, the tank's on-board cameras record the process. About two minutes into flight, the solid rocket boosters propelling Endeavour higher into space have successfully separated and gracefully fallen away. Each booster has a parachute packed in its frustum that will automatically deploy after entering Earth's atmosphere to slow the descent into the ocean. Endeavour has safely attained orbit and NASA mission managers have given the command to proceed with main engine cutoff, also known as MECO. Less than 10 minutes after launch, Endeavour was orbiting around Earth. Within 24 hours, Endeavour will meet up and dock with the International Space Station.
Info courtesy of NASA
Sunday, November 16th - 5:01pm EST
* STS-126 Arrives at the International Space Station *

Image above: Space shuttle Endeavour approaches the International Space Station.
Photo credit: NASA TV
STS-126 has arrived at the International Space Station. Shuttle Commander Chris Ferguson was at the controls of space shuttle Endeavour docking to the station's Harmony Node at 5:01 p.m. EST. The station and shuttle crews will open the hatches between their vehicles and greet each other in about two hours. Sandra Magnus, who arrived aboard Endeavour, will swap Soyuz seatliners with station astronaut Greg Chamitoff and replace him as Expedition 18 Flight Engineer.
Info courtesy of NASA
Mission Update:
Monday, November 17, 2008 - 12:23pm CST
* Leonardo Now Attached to Space Station *
Specialists Heide Stefanyshyn-Piper and Steve Bowen Prepare for Tuesday’s Scheduled Spacewalk

Image above: STS-126 crew members participate in interviews with WXIA-TV and WAGA-TV in Atlanta and WHDH-TV in Boston.
Photo credit: NASA TV
The Leonardo Multi-Purpose Logistics Module has been attached to the space station. Inside the MPLM are systems to be installed in the U.S. Destiny lab and Harmony node, such as: two water recovery systems racks for recycling urine into potable water, a second toilet system, new galley components, two new food warmers, a food refrigerator, an experiment freezer, a combustion science experiment rack, two separate sleeping quarters and a resistance exercise device.
Tuesday's Spacewalk should get started around midday and is scheduled to last around 6 1/2 hours.
You can watch the Spacewalk live...
Click HERE to view
Info courtesy of NASA
* Astronauts Complete First Spacewalk *

About today’s photo: Mission Specialist Greg Chamitoff removes spacewalker Steve Bowen's spacesuit helmet following the first spacewalk of the STS-126 mission.
Photo credit: NASA TV
Mission Update: 7:09pm CST
First of Four Scheduled Spacewalks is Now Completed
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
STS-126 Mission Specialists Heide Stefanyshyn-Piper and Steve Bowen spent working outside the Space Station today six hours and 52 minutes for the first of the mission's four spacewalks.
Their tasks included the replacement of a nitrogen tank assembly, assorted station assembly tasks, and the start of cleaning and lubrication of the starboard solar alpha rotary joint.
Inside the station, STS-126 mission specialist Don Pettit and Expedition 18 Flight Engineer Sandra Magnus operated the station's robotic arm, and Mission Specialist Shane Kimbrough served as the Intravehicular Officer, or Spacewalk Coordinator.
The spacewalk officially began at 1:09pm EST and ended at 8:01pm.
Info courtesy of NASA
Mission Update: 5:20pm CST
Crews Work on Station’s Home Improvements -
Prepare for Second Spacewalk Scheduled for Thursday
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Image above: STS-126 mission specialists Heide Stefanyshyn-Piper and Steve Bowen participate in interviews with the Associated Press, KMSP-TV in Minneapolis and WCVB-TV in Boston.
Photo credit: NASA TV
With the first mission spacewalk complete, the combined shuttle and station crews will work on preparing the station for future crews and transferring supplies and equipment to the station.
The crew members will install several racks in the Destiny laboratory, as well as additional crew quarters. The equipment being installed during STS-126 will provide additional capability for the station to house astronauts and to increase the station crew size from three to six by spring 2009.
The crews also will prepare for the second spacewalk of the mission. Mission specialists Heide Stefanyshyn-Piper and Shane Kimbrough will venture outside of the station Thursday.
> Not sure what time the second spacewalk is to start on Thursday. Check back around mid-morning Thursday and click on the link below for updates...
You can watch the Spacewalk live...
Click HERE to view
Info courtesy of NASA
Mission Update:
Thursday, November 20, 2008 - 10:02pm CST
2nd Spacewalk Completed - Crew News Conference
Third Spacewalk Set for Saturday
. Image above: Astronaut Steve Bowen participates in the mission's first spacewalk during flight day 5 of the STS-126 mission.
Photo credit: NASA
On Thursday, Heide Stefanyshyn-Piper and Shane Kimbrough completed the second STS-126 spacewalk at 7:43 p.m. EST. Coming up Friday at 3:05 p.m. is the Crew News Conference with the shuttle and station crews. The third spacewalk of the mission, scheduled for Saturday at 1:45 p.m., will focus on finishing the cleaning and lubrication of the starboard Solar Alpha Rotary Joint.
Info courtesy of NASA
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...Note: I’ll be updating this post over the next few days on all the spacewalks and such so check back...
GOD SPEED to the Crew of STS-126 ENDEAVOUR...
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