Iran: On Ground Updates
New IAEA Report says Iran Pursuing Secret Research Projects that could help in Development of Nuclear Warheads
Thursday, February 18, 2010
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New IAEA Report says Iran Pursuing Secret Research Projects that could help in Development of Nuclear Warheads
Thursday, February 18, 2010

* The New York Times brings us the follow report this afternoon, (and I must say one that is of NO surprise to me,) and their troubling report starts off like this... The United Nation’s nuclear inspectors declared for the first time on Thursday that extensive information they have collected raised concerns about “past or current undisclosed activities” by Iran’s military to develop a nuclear weapon. The unusually strongly worded conclusion seems certain to accelerate Iran’s confrontation with much of the rest of the world... Their comments were contained in a report to the board of the International Atomic Energy Agency, the first accounting under the agency’s new head, Yukiya Amano...
Read the full report at link below...
I.A.E.A. Suspects Iranian Nuclear Weapons Activity
* The Washington Post reports this troubling news out of the IAEA this way... Iran appears to have recently pursued secret research projects that could help it develop nuclear warheads, the United Nations' nuclear watchdog said Thursday, casting fresh doubt on Iranian claims that its nuclear intentions are peaceful... The International Atomic Energy Agency also confirmed that Iran has increased the enrichment level of some of its uranium, bringing the Islamic republic a step closer to being able to make weapons-grade nuclear fuel... In a strongly worded report, the IAEA challenged Iran to explain purchases of sensitive technology as well as secret tests of high-precision detonators and missile reentry systems -- experiments closely associated with atomic warheads. Although much of the research took place nearly a decade ago, the report said some tests "seem to have continued beyond 2004."...
Read this report in full at link below...
IAEA says secret Iranian research could be aimed at nuclear weapons
Read the full report at link below...
I.A.E.A. Suspects Iranian Nuclear Weapons Activity
* The Washington Post reports this troubling news out of the IAEA this way... Iran appears to have recently pursued secret research projects that could help it develop nuclear warheads, the United Nations' nuclear watchdog said Thursday, casting fresh doubt on Iranian claims that its nuclear intentions are peaceful... The International Atomic Energy Agency also confirmed that Iran has increased the enrichment level of some of its uranium, bringing the Islamic republic a step closer to being able to make weapons-grade nuclear fuel... In a strongly worded report, the IAEA challenged Iran to explain purchases of sensitive technology as well as secret tests of high-precision detonators and missile reentry systems -- experiments closely associated with atomic warheads. Although much of the research took place nearly a decade ago, the report said some tests "seem to have continued beyond 2004."...
Read this report in full at link below...
IAEA says secret Iranian research could be aimed at nuclear weapons
Now... wasn’t it just a few years back when a (Faulty) Intelligence Report came out saying Iran had pretty much halted ALL its programs into building Nuclear Weapons back in, I believe it said, 2003? And with this report we all raised cane at the time saying NO DANG WAY...
Now... wasn’t it just a few years back when a (Faulty) Intelligence Report came out saying Iran had pretty much halted ALL its programs into building Nuclear Weapons back in, I believe it said, 2003? And with this report we all raised cane at the time saying NO DANG WAY...
I, like so many others, do SO remember how this faulty Intelligence Report tied President Bush’s hands at the time and kept him from getting more support from the world community to deal with all of this Iranian mess too.
So... there is really no surprise today, from this new IAEA report, that Iran is actually pursuing these Secret Nuclear Weapon Research Projects.
But look... there is some good news out of this report today and that good news is that we finally have a new man in charge at the IAEA who will call it as it is... and not cover up for any country.
Where have you been Mr. Yukiya Amano!!!?
And Welcome........
I, like so many others, do SO remember how this faulty Intelligence Report tied President Bush’s hands at the time and kept him from getting more support from the world community to deal with all of this Iranian mess too.
So... there is really no surprise today, from this new IAEA report, that Iran is actually pursuing these Secret Nuclear Weapon Research Projects.
But look... there is some good news out of this report today and that good news is that we finally have a new man in charge at the IAEA who will call it as it is... and not cover up for any country.
Where have you been Mr. Yukiya Amano!!!?
And Welcome........
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