Wednesday, January 16, 2008

3rd Time’s A Charm - Mitt Romney wins much-needed victory in Tuesday's Michigan Republican Primary

3rd Time’s A Charm
Mitt Romney wins much-needed victory in Tuesday's Michigan Republican Primary
Wednesday, Jaunary 16, 2008 brings us this story today and it starts off like this... Before the results were known, the best news for Mitt Romney may have been the estimated proportion of Michigan GOP primary voters who were registered Republicans: 68 percent, according to Saul Azunis, the state party chairman.... Independents, who were allowed to vote in the Republican primary, have tended to favor John McCain, but they were apparently not enough for the Arizona senator to overcome Romney's advantage among the party faithful...
Read the rest at link below...
Romney Wins With Support of Conservatives in Michigan

* The Wall Street Journal has this report...
Republicans Scramble as Focus Shifts to South Carolina Primary

My congratulations go out to MITT!
Good luck to all the candidates in the upcoming Saturday South Carolina Primaries (R) and the Nevada Caucuses (D) & (R).
File Photo from Mitt Romney's Website

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