Thursday, December 07, 2006

President Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair met today to Chart New Way Forward in Iraq

The White House has this Press Release that goes in part like this... "The violence is not an accident or a result of faulty planning. It is a deliberate strategy. It is the direct result of outside extremists teaming up with internal extremists -- al Qaeda with the Sunni insurgents, and Iran with the Shia militia -- to foment hatred and to throttle, at birth, the possibility of a non-sectarian democracy." You were right, [Bush to Blair] and I appreciate your comments.

The primary victims of the sectarian violence are the moderate majority of Iraqis -- Sunni and Shia alike -- who want a future of peace. The primary beneficiaries are Sunni and Shia extremists, inside and outside of Iraq, who want chaos in that country so they can take control and further their ambitions to dominate the region...
President Bush Meets with British Prime Minister Tony Blair
(Has Video)

Sounds to me like the President is doing just as I asked in my post...
Bipartisan Iraq Study Group Releases Report
Thanks Mr. President.

Read more below:
>>>BBC News reports... He [Prime Minister Tony Blair] conceded that conditions in Iraq were "tough and challenging"... But he said the people of the Middle East faced a choice - either secular or religious dictatorship, or, alternatively, to enjoy the democracy that the West held so dear...
Bush, Blair seek new way in Iraq

>>> Fox News has this report in part... President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair presented a united front Thursday, painting the sectarian violence in Iraq as a battle between freedom and terror in which Iraqis have fallen victim to Al Qaeda's and Iran's efforts to cause chaos and control the region...
Bush: Al Qaeda, Iran Feeding Hatred, Violence in Mideast

More to come...
(This post near Top Today - Scroll for newer Post below)

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