Tuesday, March 06, 2007

CIA Rushing Resources to Hunt Down Bin Laden and Right Arm Man al Zawahri

Brian Ross has an interesting report this morning on the ABC NEWS website about the hunt for Bin Laden finally heating up. It goes in part like this... Armed with fresh intelligence, the CIA is moving additional man power and equipment into Pakistan in the effort to find Osama bin Laden and his deputy Ayman al Zawahri, U.S. officials tell ABC News..."Reports that the trail has gone stone cold are not correct," said one U.S. official...
Read the rest HERE

UPDATE: 9:40am CST
Fox News just confirmed this ABC report to be true according to their contacts.
More to come on this story as updated info comes out. I’m sure there will be a lot of reporting on this story before the day is out.

OK, Opinionnation... Ross does have some good reporting now and then... just like you said he does!!!

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