Saturday, July 09, 2005

Now we worry

After the attacks in London on 7-7, this question came to mind… Has anyone noticed that there have been no mass celebrations and congratulations going on with all those al-Qaeda web sites from all over the world??? They all have been mostly quiet on all of this. (This is not normal.) Makes me wonder, scares me too, as to what the heck they are waiting on... What’s coming next??? As all of us old fishermen would say, “Hell-- They’ve all got Lock Jaw”!!! And this is truly not a good thing.........


John said...

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Maybe it was the French pissed about the Olympics and not Al Queda after all.

AubreyJ......... said...

Your French idea sucks John but your art work is GREAT! Thanks for stopping by...

afb said...

I like John's artwork too!

They do things in odd numbers. The number 3 is lucky in that part of the world. There were 6 bombs and 4 that went off. Four is an extremely unlucky number for them.

There are groups claiming the bombs. Most muslims fear coming out against these extremists. It could mean death for them.

Here is the Wikipedia link with all the claims so far.....

AubreyJ......... said...

Thanks for the link Marie... Good read.....