Saturday, January 06, 2007

Victory in or Exit from Iraq

Next week President Bush is going to lay out to the Nation... and the world... his new Iraq strategy. The way I’ve been reading into it is the President is going for a broader strategy that will call for more troops, accelerate the training of the Iraqi forces and give much more economic and reconstruction aid to Iraq. To put it simply... he’s gearing up to move this country forward to a VICTORY in Iraq. Not a quick exit... or a true to the core... cut - run – lose policy like the Dems are pushing for.

Just today, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sent a joint letter, (read the letter in full HERE,) to the President urging, (more like demanded,) him to reject the idea of increasing US troops in Iraq but to instead opt for a redeployment of troops out of Iraq and to do so in the very near future.

A political talking point is all it boiled down to... But their letter does show just how much the Dems truly think we have already lost the war in Iraq and the only way they know how to fix it is to bail on the Iraqi people.

It’s going to be a very tell-tell all as to how the Dems take to... and the MSM reports this new plan of the President’s next week.

Watch and learn how those, (that so many of the American people trust,) spin this plan of the President’s into a new antiwar campaign. I’m a betting man it’s going to be an all-out negativity campaign towards the President and the war in Iraq from next Wednesday onward. But that’s nothing new... is it...?

Hell... Do you really think the Dems and those in the MSM are really pulling for this President and the country to win in Iraq? Look at this picture
CBS/AP put together... Yeah, that’s putting a positive face on it. Our enemies truly do LOVE these people!!!

January 05, 2006

(This post near top most of the weekend – Scroll for newer post)

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