3 Somali Pirates Dead, One Pirate Wounded/Captured
Once Hostage Captain Phillips
Safe and on Navy Ship
What a Great Easter Day for All Americans!!!
Sunday, April 12, 2009

File Photo of the Maersk Alabama Container Ship
* FOXNews.com brings us this GREAT report this early Sunday afternoon…
Ship Captain Rescued From Somali Pirates
American sea Captain Richard Phillips was safely rescued Sunday from four Somali pirates, who had been holding him for days in a lifeboat off the coast of Africa, a U.S. intelligence official said… Three of the pirates were killed and one was in custody after what appeared to be a swift firefight off the Somali coast, the official said…Initial reports indicate Phillips jumped overboard for a second time and the military was able to take advantage of the situation…
Read the full report from HERE

US Navy Photo
Obama Praises U.S. Military Rescue of Maersk-Alabama Captain
Sunday, April 12, 2009
U.S. naval forces freed Capt. Richard Phillips five days after Somali pirates took him hostage.
“I am very pleased that Captain Phillips has been rescued and is safely on board the USS Boxer,” Obama said in a White House statement. “His safety has been our principal concern, and I know this is a welcome relief to his family and his crew.
“I am also very proud of the efforts of the US military and many other departments and agencies who worked tirelessly to secure Captain Phillips’ safe recovery,” he said. “I share the country’s admiration for the bravery of Captain Phillips and his selfless concern for his crew. His courage is a model for all Americans.”
Navy Vice Adm. Bill Gortney, commander of U.S. Naval Forces Central Command, commended those involved in the rescue.
“This was an incredible team effort, and I am extremely proud of the tireless efforts of all the men and women who made this rescue possible,” Gortney said in a U.S. Navy release. Gortney said Phillips’ actions, and those of the Maersk-Alabama crew, were heroic.
“They fought back to regain control of their ship, and Captain Phillips selflessly put his life in the hands of these armed criminals in order to protect his crew,” he said.
Following the rescue, Phillips was taken aboard the USS Bainbridge before being flown to the amphibious assault ship USS Boxer, where he contacted his family, received a routine medical evaluation, and is resting comfortably, according to a U.S. Navy statement.
Three pirates were killed during the rescue operation, and U.S. military forces have one pirate in custody, the statement said.
From a DoD’s American Forces Press Service News Article that was written by John J. Kruzel
Here’s a report by Fox News that sheds a little better light on just how this hostage standoff finally ended…
Navy Seals Kill Pirates, Rescue American Hostage
The Washington Post reports it this way… The operation to rescue Capt. Richard Phillips involved dozens of Navy SEALs, who parachuted from an aircraft into the scene near dark Saturday, landing in the ocean. The SEALs were part of a larger group of Special Operations Forces involved in the effort, according to military officials…
Read the full report at link below…
How SEALs Carried Out Their Mission
Embedded video from CNN Video
Read more at CNN.com
Pirates vow to kill U.S., French sailors
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American HEROS All!
All 20 of those brave American crew members, their Captain… and all those who helped bring this capture to a safe end for the Captain and Crew… are Heroes in my book!
God bless them all…
And again…
Don’t Mess with Americans - Ever!!!
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