Monday, September 21, 2009
Back in a March 31st interview with the Atlantic, (The Atlantic article here) and just hours before his swearing-in, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said if the Islamic Republic is not stopped quickly, Israel may be forced to attack… “You don’t want a messianic, apocalyptic cult controlling atomic bombs," Netanyahu told the magazine's Jeffrey Goldberg in what the journalist described as "unusually blunt language."
Netanyahu also said he would support President Obama’s decision to engage Iran, so long as negotiations brought about a quick end to Iran’s nuclear ambitions. “How you achieve this goal is less important than achieving it,” he said, but he added that he was skeptical that Iran would respond positively to Obama’s appeals. (As of today... they haven’t either.)
Today... Iran is now WELL embarked down the road to achieving Nuclear Weapons. That is a fact and not just me talking either.
The way I see it... the End-Game is up. There is nothing left but two choices for Israel now.
They can either sit by and let Iran BUILD the nuclear bombs while the West talks about it... (and most of us KNOW that anymore talks with Iran will get us nowhere...) or Strike!
I for one believe Israel will NEVER let Iran build the Nuclear Weapons... So I guess it is STRIKE... and strike them hard is what they will/MUST do.
Now -- How do I come to this conclusion you ask...? Simple!!! Today... Iran is no longer trying to acquire nuclear knowledge and capability. These things they have already achieved. Even the International Atomic Energy Agency, (the IAEA,) now believes Iran has developed the knowhow and capability to build a Nuclear Weapon.
Former Israeli Deputy Defense Minister Ephraim Sneh is now saying Israel will attack Iran's Nuclear Facilities before year’s end if the West has not launched crippling sanctions by then. (Crippling Sanctions!!!? That’s not going to happen!) Sneh also says a nuclear-armed Iran was an unacceptable threat to Israel. (My point exactly.)
Folks... It’s not IF -- but WHEN Israel attacks Iran’s nuclear facilities, and in the VERY near future I might add... it will be done so without a green light from the United States.
That’s not a shocker either for hell... who could possibly believe Obama has the cahoots to approve such a thing anyway! Israel surely doesn’t. So why would anyone expect Israel to ask for approval... in advance. Simply put... Israel would much rather explain what went down after the fact than ask the Obama Administration for any approval beforehand.
Sadly... Obama is one of the weakest Presidents the world has ever seen, and I believe the only good he could possibly do in all this mess, (and I believe in the end he and the left will end up SCREWING it up too...) would be help mop-up the political mess after Israel takes care of its and the World’s business.
I’ll end with this... No one knows for sure where Israel will strike or WHEN. That’s a GOOD thing!
I for one do believe though that wiping out all of Iran's capabilities to enrich uranium is just about impossible. But that’s OK... The effects of even a limited air attack would most likely be good enough to be extremely devastating to the Iranian’s Nuclear Program and not just a short-term setback either... as some in the West believe.
Who knows!!! Just maybe... with the NEW unrest and uprisings within Iran since their summer elections, (see latest Iranian protest videos from Friday, September 18, 2009 HERE,) Israel’s attack just might help in the final collapse of the leaders of Iran who are in power today. Now wouldn’t THAT be something!!!
That’s it my friends... say what you may... But I say- Israel Shall Soon Attack Iran’s Nuclear Facilities. Talk to the hand, Obama!!!
God’s Speed, Israel on having a highly successful mission!
I say this, today... for I do not believe we have many Months or Years to wait... but rather just so many days left before Israel does what they MUST do to defend their Homeland...
September 21, 2009
God’s Speed, Israel on having a highly successful mission!
I say this, today... for I do not believe we have many Months or Years to wait... but rather just so many days left before Israel does what they MUST do to defend their Homeland...
September 21, 2009
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