Egypt: On Ground Updates
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak:
“I have spent enough time serving Egypt”
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
* brings us the following report this late Tuesday afternoon and it starts off like this... Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak
indicated in a 10-minute televised speech Tuesday that he will not seek re-election, after eight days of protests over his 30-year rule... "I have spent enough time serving Egypt
," Mubarak said in his second public address since the protests erupted. He said that over the next few months, "the remaining of my current reign, I will work very hard to carry out all the necessary measures to transfer power."... Egyptian elections are slated for September. "In all sincerity, regardless of circumstances, I never intended to be a candidate for another term," Mubarak said as demonstrators sitting on the ground in Cairo's Tahrir Square watched the speech on a giant TV screen hung between lampposts... Mubarak added, "I have initiated the formation of a new government with new priorities and initiatives which will respond to our young people's demands and their anxieties."...
Read the full report at link below...
* has the following report posted up on their website today... President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt was on Tuesday night forced by Washington to announce he would step down at elections later this year... Mr. Mubarak was due in the late evening to appear on state television to announce his departure, which followed mass demonstrations against his rule in Cairo and other major cities... But he was likely to refuse to bow to demands by hundreds of thousands of protesters that he quit immediately... Mr. Mubarak was finally compelled to act after a direct intervention by Barack Obama
. The US president sent a special envoy, Frank Wisner
, to tell Mr. Mubarak that he had lost support and that it was “critical” he oversee a transition to free and fair elections in September...
Read this report in full at link below...
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