Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu trying to persuade Cabinet to authorize military strike against Iran's suspected nuclear weapons program - US might intensify plans for targeted missile strikes of Iranian nuclear targets - British officials say they would assist US in such mission and now making preparations for such

Read the full report at link below…
IAF file photo above top left
* OK then… Let’s pump this post up a few more notches with this report I found late this evening on the website. It REALLY got my attention as I read it in full and it goes in part like this… According to [a] Guardian report, the UK Ministry of Defense believes the US may have intensified plans for targeted missile strikes of Iranian nuclear targets… The newspaper quoted British officials as saying that the UK would assist the US in such a mission. Britain is reportedly examining locations for mobilizing its Royal Navy ships and submarines to assist a possible American aerial and naval campaign against Iran… Washington could also ask London for permission to use the British island of Diego Gacria, in the Indian ocean, as a base of operations…
Read this report in full at link below…
* Here’s the original Guardian report…
* Daily Mail has this take on the news…
- Whitehall figures say Iran is 'newly aggressive - and we are not sure why'
- Iran 'has enriched uranium for four nuclear weapons'
Post Update:
Sunday, November 06, 2011
* The Australian brings us the following report this early Sunday afternoon stateside and it goes in part like this… In the past week, Israel has test-launched a nuclear-capable Jericho 3 missile, which can reach Iran. On Thursday, it completed a major civil defence drill in the Tel Aviv region aimed at simulating a response to conventional and non-conventional missile attacks. The drill fuelled speculation that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was pressing his military for a decision about when and how to strike Iran… Such a strike, say Israeli sources, would have to involve air, sea and even land forces on a devastating scale as there would be the opportunity for only one "hit". Even so, there is fear of retaliation by Iran's conventional, long-range Shihab missiles… On Wednesday, Haaretz newspaper reported that Mr Netanyahu and Defence Minister Ehud Barak were seeking to win cabinet support for a strike. Haaretz said no decision had yet been taken on any military strike and a report from the International Atomic Energy Agency nuclear watchdog to be released tomorrow would have a "decisive effect" on the decision-making process…
Read the full report at link below…
* has this report and it starts off like this… Among the many alliances of convenience in the Middle East, one is so unusual that the partners can barely hint about it publicly: Israel and the Gulf Arab states linked by shared fears over Iran's nuclear program… While their deeper disputes on the Palestinians effectively block any strategic breakthroughs, the recent warnings from Israel and the West about military options against Iran invariably draw in the Gulf and its rare meeting of minds with Jerusalem…
Read this report in full at link below…
Shimon Peres: Military option against Iran closer
This video posted on YouTube by Euronews
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