Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Newsweek on Iraq - "Blood and Money"

Newsweek never ceases to amaze me. Right when I swear I’ll never read anything by them again... they come out with some real good reads. In this case... there is this report I found written by Silvia Spring titled... “Blood and Money”

She starts off writing... In what might be called the mother of all surprises, Iraq's economy is growing strong, even booming in places.

She later goes on to write... Civil war or not, Iraq has an economy, and -- Mother of All Surprises -- it's doing remarkably well. Real estate is booming. Construction, retail and wholesale trade sectors are healthy, too... The U.S. Chamber of Commerce reports 34,000 registered companies in Iraq, up from 8,000 three years ago...
Read this news... that’s getting little press... at

It’s a real good read, folks. Be sure to click it out...

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