Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Osama bin Laden Orders Attack against United States

Osama bin Laden Orders Attack against U.S.
that will “outdo by far” September 11
The Pakistan Daily website brings us this troubling news...
Arabic language newspaper is reporting indications from a Yemeni with “very close” al-Qaeda ties that Osama bin Laden is plotting an attack against the United States that will “outdo by far” September 11...
Read the rest at link below...
Osama Bin Laden Eyes Anti U.S Attack to be bigger than 911
>>> TheAge.com has the following take and it goes in part like this...
...The ex-operative says he remains in contact with current chiefs of the organisation in Yemen and that only six months ago bin Laden had sent a message to all jihad cells in the Arab world which asked them not to interact with their governments or local political parties and to deny any request for mediation or formal talks... The source also said that during the next few days the terrorist organisation may send a sign of its violent intentions...
Read the full report at link below...
Warning of new bin Laden attack
More to come on this story I’m sure...

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