ON Ground Updates:
* Operation 'Cast Lead' *
* Day Four *
Retaliation for Ongoing Rocket Attacks against the Jewish State
Israel/Palestinian Conflict
Tuesday, December 302008
* Operation 'Cast Lead' *
* Day Four *
Retaliation for Ongoing Rocket Attacks against the Jewish State
Israel/Palestinian Conflict
Tuesday, December 302008

IDF File Photo
Israeli officials are meeting in Jerusalem this evening to decide on Israel's next move against Hamas. One proposal under consideration is a temporary cease-fire proposal by France. I for one believe that in a key meeting tomorrow... it’s more likely that they will end up taking final steps in the preparations of a soon coming massive ground offensive...
Let’s see how the news of this ongoing conflict is being reported today...
. ..
* AFP had this report up on their website earlier this morning and it starts off like this... President Hosni Mubarak Tuesday ruled out reopening Egypt's border with war-battered Gaza until representatives of the Palestinian Authority and EU observers are deployed at the crossing point... Mubarak also hit back at critics of Cairo's response to the Israeli offensive, accusing them of playing politics with Palestinian suffering...
Read the rest at link below...
Egypt rejects calls to open border with war-battered Gaza
* DesertNews.com reports... Palestinian militants, armed with deadlier missiles than ever before, kept up rocket assaults against Israel on Tuesday, despite relentless air attacks against Gaza's Hamas rulers and unwelcome word from Egypt that it would not bail them out... More than 370 Palestinians have died since the Israeli air onslaught against Gaza's Islamic Hamas rulers began Saturday, shortly after a rocky, six-month truce expired. Most were members of Hamas security forces but at least 64 were civilians, according to U.N. figures. Among those killed were two sisters, aged 4 and 11, who perished in an airstrike on a rocket squad in northern Gaza on Tuesday...With Israeli ground troops massed along the Gaza border, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Tuesday that airstrikes are just the "the first of several" phases of attack that have been approved, a spokesman said. The comments, along with new threats from Hamas, signaled a new truce was unlikely...
Read this article in full at link below...
Gaza rockets, Israeli strikes dim chance of truce
* Islamic Republic News Agency had this report today that goes in part like
...Ahmadinejad said, "It is very important for us to fulfill our humanitarian duties towards defenseless people in Gaza and Palestine."... "The crimes of the Zionists have roots in their weakness and desperation and killing of defenseless civilians will not bring them any advantage. Capitalism and Zionism along with their supporters are at the end of the road and have no option but to face their annihilation"...
Read the rest of Ahmadinejad ‘BS’ at link below...
Ahmadinejad: Real Holocaust now taking place in Gaza
Image by IRNA
* MonsterAndCritics.com is reporting what I figured would happen in the Israeli meeting today. Their reporting starts off like this... Israel rejected calls by the UN, EU and France for a ceasefire and instead prepared for what could be 'long weeks of combat,' as a ferocious air offensive against Hamas in the Gaza Strip entered its fourth day Tuesday... An Israeli defence official said French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner had proposed to Israel that it unilaterally halt its assault for 48 hours to give Hamas a chance to end its rocket and mortar attacks as well... Kouchner had submitted the proposal to Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak, who had passed it on the caretaker Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the information, told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa... But Olmert's spokesman, Mark Regev, said that although Israel would work 'energetically' with foreign governments and international organizations to allow a 'constant flow' of aid into the strip, it would not suspend its offensive before its goals were achieved...
Read the full report at link below...
Olmert rejects French proposal for 48-hour truce
* JTA.org has this report... Another rocket warning siren wails and eight members of the Levi family, including a grandmother and a newborn baby, quickly cram into the small bedroom made of reinforced concrete that serves as the family's bomb shelter... "Come on, come on! Get in!" they shout. Just before the heavy metal door slams shut, the family dog, Pick, quickly is whisked inside... Standing shoulder to shoulder, they listen as the sound of the siren's wail trails off, replaced by the thud of the rocket landing. Returning to the television news a few minutes later, they see it has landed a few blocks away at a local soccer stadium...Earlier in the day, another rocket landed much closer -- just across the street...
Read the full report at link below...
Adjusting to rockets in Ashkelon and Ashdod
* IsraelNationalNews.com has this bit of news just released by IDF today... Military censors cleared for publication Tuesday the news that Gaza terrorists for the first time unleashed long-range Grad-type 122-mm. Katyusha rockets a day earlier in attacks on the cities of Ashdod and Yavneh... According to an IDF spokesperson, one of the missiles exploded on the southern outskirts of the city of Yavneh, approximately 10 km north of the port city of Ashdod, and "the furthest a missile has reached from Gaza."...
Read the rest at link below...
IDF: Long-Range Grad Missile Used in Yavne Attack
Israel’s Channel 2 News Online
Click out their Daily New Report HERE
(Due to HEAVY Internet traffic, News Video may take a few to load)
Israeli officials are meeting in Jerusalem this evening to decide on Israel's next move against Hamas. One proposal under consideration is a temporary cease-fire proposal by France. I for one believe that in a key meeting tomorrow... it’s more likely that they will end up taking final steps in the preparations of a soon coming massive ground offensive...
Let’s see how the news of this ongoing conflict is being reported today...
. ..
* AFP had this report up on their website earlier this morning and it starts off like this... President Hosni Mubarak Tuesday ruled out reopening Egypt's border with war-battered Gaza until representatives of the Palestinian Authority and EU observers are deployed at the crossing point... Mubarak also hit back at critics of Cairo's response to the Israeli offensive, accusing them of playing politics with Palestinian suffering...
Read the rest at link below...
Egypt rejects calls to open border with war-battered Gaza
* DesertNews.com reports... Palestinian militants, armed with deadlier missiles than ever before, kept up rocket assaults against Israel on Tuesday, despite relentless air attacks against Gaza's Hamas rulers and unwelcome word from Egypt that it would not bail them out... More than 370 Palestinians have died since the Israeli air onslaught against Gaza's Islamic Hamas rulers began Saturday, shortly after a rocky, six-month truce expired. Most were members of Hamas security forces but at least 64 were civilians, according to U.N. figures. Among those killed were two sisters, aged 4 and 11, who perished in an airstrike on a rocket squad in northern Gaza on Tuesday...With Israeli ground troops massed along the Gaza border, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Tuesday that airstrikes are just the "the first of several" phases of attack that have been approved, a spokesman said. The comments, along with new threats from Hamas, signaled a new truce was unlikely...
Read this article in full at link below...
Gaza rockets, Israeli strikes dim chance of truce
* Islamic Republic News Agency had this report today that goes in part like

...Ahmadinejad said, "It is very important for us to fulfill our humanitarian duties towards defenseless people in Gaza and Palestine."... "The crimes of the Zionists have roots in their weakness and desperation and killing of defenseless civilians will not bring them any advantage. Capitalism and Zionism along with their supporters are at the end of the road and have no option but to face their annihilation"...
Read the rest of Ahmadinejad ‘BS’ at link below...
Ahmadinejad: Real Holocaust now taking place in Gaza
Image by IRNA
* MonsterAndCritics.com is reporting what I figured would happen in the Israeli meeting today. Their reporting starts off like this... Israel rejected calls by the UN, EU and France for a ceasefire and instead prepared for what could be 'long weeks of combat,' as a ferocious air offensive against Hamas in the Gaza Strip entered its fourth day Tuesday... An Israeli defence official said French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner had proposed to Israel that it unilaterally halt its assault for 48 hours to give Hamas a chance to end its rocket and mortar attacks as well... Kouchner had submitted the proposal to Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak, who had passed it on the caretaker Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the information, told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa... But Olmert's spokesman, Mark Regev, said that although Israel would work 'energetically' with foreign governments and international organizations to allow a 'constant flow' of aid into the strip, it would not suspend its offensive before its goals were achieved...
Read the full report at link below...
Olmert rejects French proposal for 48-hour truce
* JTA.org has this report... Another rocket warning siren wails and eight members of the Levi family, including a grandmother and a newborn baby, quickly cram into the small bedroom made of reinforced concrete that serves as the family's bomb shelter... "Come on, come on! Get in!" they shout. Just before the heavy metal door slams shut, the family dog, Pick, quickly is whisked inside... Standing shoulder to shoulder, they listen as the sound of the siren's wail trails off, replaced by the thud of the rocket landing. Returning to the television news a few minutes later, they see it has landed a few blocks away at a local soccer stadium...Earlier in the day, another rocket landed much closer -- just across the street...
Read the full report at link below...
Adjusting to rockets in Ashkelon and Ashdod
* IsraelNationalNews.com has this bit of news just released by IDF today... Military censors cleared for publication Tuesday the news that Gaza terrorists for the first time unleashed long-range Grad-type 122-mm. Katyusha rockets a day earlier in attacks on the cities of Ashdod and Yavneh... According to an IDF spokesperson, one of the missiles exploded on the southern outskirts of the city of Yavneh, approximately 10 km north of the port city of Ashdod, and "the furthest a missile has reached from Gaza."...
Read the rest at link below...
IDF: Long-Range Grad Missile Used in Yavne Attack
Israel’s Channel 2 News Online
Click out their Daily New Report HERE
(Due to HEAVY Internet traffic, News Video may take a few to load)
Israeli Air Force Strikes Rockets in Transit
About Cockpit Arial Video: The Israeli Air Force strikes terror operatives transferring short-range missiles destined for innocent civilians. Dec. 29, 2008
Video posted on YouTube by idfnadesk
Click Banner above to get all the Updated News from the ones making it... The Israeli Defense Forces!
More updated news to come as Operation 'Cast Lead' continues...
God’s speed in a fast... successful mission, IDF
And in the end...
I hope you can finally achieve a
Long Lasting Peace
Israeli Air Force Strikes Rockets in Transit
About Cockpit Arial Video: The Israeli Air Force strikes terror operatives transferring short-range missiles destined for innocent civilians. Dec. 29, 2008
Video posted on YouTube by idfnadesk

More updated news to come as Operation 'Cast Lead' continues...
God’s speed in a fast... successful mission, IDF
And in the end...
I hope you can finally achieve a
Long Lasting Peace
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