Monday, January 26, 2009

New Energy Technology Uses High Pressure Natural Gas Pipelines To Generate Electricity

New Energy Technology Uses
High Pressure Natural Gas Pipelines
To Generate Electricity
, January 26, 2009

Image credit: John McCain’s Campaign Website
.. had this GREAT read posted up on their website Sunday that I had to share with you. It starts off like this... The National Grid is piloting a new energy creation technology that harnesses the energy stored in high pressure gas pipes... Natural gas has extremely high pressure when it is sourced from underground... This pressure has to be reduced eight times before the gas is suitable for use in homes - a process that wastes huge amounts of latent energy... The new technology uses a turbine to harness the energy created when the gas pressure is reduced, and this energy is used to generate electricity...
Read the rest at link below...
Gas pipeline pressure to generate electricity
Here’s another good read I think you might like...
New road surface generates power

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