The Obama War - What’s Next?
Part One
The Obama War - What’s Next?
Part One

This Cutout of General McChrystal from original photo by Sgt. David Alvarado, USA
Hello everyone...
This is Part One of several to come on Obama’s Afghan/Pakistan War and what the MSM is reporting he will do about it over the next few months even years to come. I’ll throw in my two cents every now and then too... Hope you enjoy my new round of posts...
Now... let’s get started with some of today’s News...
* The Washington Post brings us the following News Article this Tuesday morning and it starts off like this... Commentators who say Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, is pressuring the White House to accept his ideas or else didn't pay close attention to his remarks last week in London... "I'm certainly not going to circumvent any political leadership, because at the end of the day the political leadership are the people who I work for, and I'm proud to do that," McChrystal told the International Institute for Strategic Studies last Thursday. Once a decision on troop levels is made, he said, he will carry it out... Acknowledging that the White House and others are reexamining "our goals and objectives" in the Afghanistan war, McChrystal called the process "a very detailed policy-level debate" that is "incredibly important and incredibly healthy." He said resources, including troop levels, should be based on goals: "I don't think that if we align our goals and our resources that we'll have a significant problem."...Hello everyone...
This is Part One of several to come on Obama’s Afghan/Pakistan War and what the MSM is reporting he will do about it over the next few months even years to come. I’ll throw in my two cents every now and then too... Hope you enjoy my new round of posts...
Now... let’s get started with some of today’s News...
Read this informative report in full at link below...
Critics Don't See the Nuance in McChrystal's Comments on War
* reports... In "Dr. Strangelove," President Merkin Muffley, played by Peter Sellers, gets it hilariously wrong when he screams: "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room." Actually, when American troops are in combat, that's the only place administration officials should squabble... This is the message President Obama must convey to members of his team, civilian and military alike, as he wrestles with deciding what in the heck the U.S. should try to do in Afghanistan and how to get the job done. It is extraordinary that: ...
Read the rest at link below...
Loose lips: Afghan war needs less politics and more policy from Obama advisors
* Oliver North has the following article posted up on today and it starts off like this... The Obama White House seems to have adopted Scarlett's decision-making process for the war in Afghanistan. Note to the O-Team: Kabul isn't Tara and Americans are dying while the Commander in Chief dithers...
Read Mr. North’s article in full at link below...
Troops Die While Obama Dithers
Defense Secretary Robert Gates: Military to Adhere to Obama's Decision
Defense Secretary Robert Gates: Military to Adhere to Obama's Decision
About this News Video: Despite the fierce policy divide inside the White House over Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Monday that the military will fall in line with whatever President Barack Obama decides. (Posted Oct. 5)
This video posted on YouTube by AssociatedPress
Defense Secretary Gates Stands By Gen. McChrystal
This video posted on YouTube by AssociatedPress
Defense Secretary Gates Stands By Gen. McChrystal
More to come...
More to come...
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