Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Mitt Romney Starts Six Day Overseas Trip

Mitt Romney Starts Six-Day Overseas Trip
Scheduled Stops Are:
Britain, Israel and Poland
Original post date: Wednesday, July 25, 2012
.File photo by the Mitt Romney Campaign

Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney started his six-day trip overseas late Tuesday in which he will be visiting Britain, Israel and Poland. Mitt’s first scheduled stop is today in London, (Wednesday, July 25, 2012).
Read more about his trip at link below…
Mitt Romney delivered his first foreign policy speech today in Jerusalem - Job Well Done!
Sunday, July 29, 2012
* The Guardian brings us the following report this early Sunday afternoon and it starts off like this… Mitt Romney has made a staunch declaration of unity with Israel against the Iranian nuclear threat, pledging that the US “will not look away” in the face of an existential challenge faced by the Jewish state… In his first foreign policy speech, delivered against the dramatic backdrop of the walls of Jerusalem’s Old City, the presumptive Republican candidate insisted that the US must use “any and all measures” to prevent a nuclear Iran…
Read the full report at link below…
* has this report that goes in part like this.Addressing Iran, Romney said that the US has a “solemn duty” not to let Iran’s leaders act on their malevolent intentions toward Israel. He stated that history teaches that when despotic regimes secure weapons, peace gives way to violence… Romney added that while he hopes diplomatic measures and economic sanctions will stop Iran’s nuclear drive, no option should be excluded to stop a nuclear Iran…
Read this report in full at link below…
Mitt Concluded Three-Nation International Tour on Tuesday
Monday, July 31, 2012
* The Washington Post has the following report posted on their website this Monday afternoon and it starts off like this… Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney concluded his three-nation international tour on Tuesday with a speech that praised Poland as a beacon of conservative economic ideas in Europe, then used a television interview to try to explain earlier controversial comments in Israel… Romney had seemed to suggest during a speech at a Jerusalem fundraiser that the economy of the Palestinian territories lagged behind Israel’s in part because of “culture.” The former Massachusetts governor said in a Fox News Channel interview Tuesday that he “did not speak about the Palestinian culture or the decisions made in their economy.”… “That’s an interesting topic that perhaps could deserve scholarly analysis, but I actually didn’t address that. Certainly don’t intend to address that during my campaign,” he said, according to a partial transcript released by Fox News Channel. “Instead, I will point out are that the choices a society makes have a profound impact on the economy and the vitality of that society.”…
Read the full report at link below…
- Click out lots of photos of Mitt’s trip HERE at WP
A few hiccups were well noted about Mitt’s overseas trip but all in all… he didn’t do all tooo bad. And like others have mentioned, so will I. Mitt never once apologized for the United States!
Welcome home, Mitt... and looking forward to your upcoming VP pick.

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