Thursday, June 02, 2005

Follow-up on “Waiting for your Direction”

Follow-up on “Waiting for your Direction

Zarqawi’s latest Audio tape issued on Sunday May 30, not only indicated that he is still alive and doing well, (maybe) but that a major operation is now in the making and waiting for approval from the Worlds #1 Most Wanted, Osama bin Laden… Just what kind of operation does Zarqawi need clearance for???

Now I for one started to get bad vibes, “again” on WMD back during the Fallujah Operation last November. I remember reading somewhere that our Marines were using wheelchairs as wheelbarrows to move out containers of ammunition, GAS MASK and some mines for destruction. Not to mention all the news about a suitcase filled with cannisters labeled “sarin nerve gas” also being found in Fallujah during this time. (Not sure what came of that but I believe it turned out to be a “saren nerve gas test kit” instead. Yet this makes one wonder what the heck the insurgents needed a test kit for in the first place.)

Anyway… As time has gone by I keep getting tid-bits of information saying that more and more of these Gas Mask are being rounded up in many of these raids we’ve been having of late. WHY GAS MASK I ask??? That’s a fair question to ask… Isn’t it?????
Read more here: “Al-Qaeda, Zarqawi and WMD.”

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