Sunday, July 24, 2005

Tom Tancredo

“Until ‘mainstream’ Islam can bring itself to stop rationalizing terrorist attacks and start repudiating and purging people like Ali and Hajjar from its ranks who do, this war will continue. As long as this war goes on, being ‘offended’ should be the least of anyone's worries.”
Tom Tancredo (Republican)
Tancredo represents Colorado's 6th Congressional District in
the U.S. House of Representatives
Read commentary by Tom Tancredo at:
Hat Tip and good read at: The Yellow Line


Anonymous said...

The politicians are finally starting to "get it" about Islam.

Actually, I'm sure some of them "got it" a long time ago, but at least now they're finally speaking out about it.

AubreyJ......... said...

Thanks Jonathan...
You really need to check out the debate going on over at THE YELLOW LINE.
Some real good reads from all points of view and a must read for all sides of this debate.
Thanks for stopping by...