Monday, March 19, 2012

Romney WINS Puerto Rico GOP Presidential Primary

Puerto Rico GOP Presidential Primary
Yesterday morning, the Governor and Mrs. Romney wanted to go on a walk around old San Juan… Read the story/click out LOTS of photos of the Romney’s in Puerto Rico HERE
Monday, March 19, 2012
Mitt Romney sailed to a LANDSIDE WIN Sunday in Puerto Rico’s GOP Presidential Republican Primary. Enrique Meléndez, the Republican representative on the Puerto Rican State Electoral Commission, told AP… Mitt had won the Puerto Rican primary by a huge margin and they were granting him all 20 delegates.
As of late Sunday night and according to the Puerto Rican State Electoral CommissionMitt SMOKED-um… with more than 83% of the vote! Santorum came in with a distant second place finish, (and yes… he had made an effort there too,) with just under 8% of the vote. Newt, he came in with just 2% leaving us with Ron Paul’s last place finish with just over 1% of the total vote.
Read all about Puerto Rico’s GOP Presidential Republican Primary at
With all that said…
Here’s what we have left this Month
On the Caucus/Primary Trail
- Illinois Primary - Tuesday, March 20th
- Louisiana Primary - Saturday, March 24th
Get us a WIN in Illinois this Tuesday, Mitt!
By doing so…  You can finally start shutting down any kind of hope for Santorum. Needles to say… Paul and Gingrich are both already out of this here thing. They just haven’t figured that one out, as of yet!

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