Sunday, June 25, 2006

Documenting Saddam's Link to Terror through all those Captured Documents - Part 3

Ray Robison, currently a military operations research analyst specializing in aviation and missile research in Huntsville, Ala., has at last come out with Part Three – “Was Saddam Regime a Broker for Terror Alliances?”

This is the final installment in a three-part series, (for,) concerning a notebook kept by an Iraqi Intelligence Service (IIS) agent called Khaled Abd El Majid, and covers events taking place in 1999. The translation is provided by Robison's associate, known here as “Sammi.”

Here’s a little taste of what can be read within...
... As we researched the Maulana, a picture came into focus that our team was not looking to find: The Maulana is a senior leader of an affiliation of Pakistani groups supportive of Islamic jihad. These groups include the JUI and the Jamaat Islami (JI). The JUI provided direct support to both the planner and paymaster of the 9/11 attacks. The Pakistani government accused the JI of working with Al Qaeda. The Maulana mediated an intelligence pact between the IIS and the Taliban... Clearly, this evidence indicates that the Maulana was in a position to procure assistance from Iraq for the 9/11 attacks...
Read Part Three in full HERE

Go to the “Saddam Dossier” Archive by HERE
(This post has been added to my “Captured Prewar Iraqi Documents -” Blog for future reference)

Again I'll ask for you to be sure to click these out. There really is some good stuff in these Translations/Analysis...

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