Saturday, August 13, 2005

Successes this week in Iraq (5-11 Aug., 2005)

BAGHDAD, IraqReconstruction projects strengthened Iraq's infrastructure this week, while community leaders showed their commitment to rebuilding. Iraqi Security Forces continue to be an essential part in working to increase the country's security.
A good read on achievements this week in Iraq at MNFI: Press Releases
AubreyJ says: About time we get a good news report on progress in Iraq… I just wish the MNFI would do this “Successes in Iraq Report” weekly if possible. I’ll shoot an email out to them and ask… I’ll ask you to send them an email too. (PLEASE CONTACT THE COMBINED PRESS INFORMATION CENTER 'S PRESS DESK AT: mailto: CPICPRESSDESK@IRAQ.CENTCOM.MIL)
I know EVERYTHING can’t be as bad as we read and see in the news today.
Now if we could just get all the major news players to do the same...................


profmarcus said...

of course, EVERYTHING in iraq isn't as bad as it's sometimes made to appear... nothing ever is... but when large numbers u.s. and iraqi people are continuing to die every day, it's bound to overshadow the good things... we've got a disaster on our hands and virtually no way of stopping it either with u.s. presence in iraq or without it... and now the drums of war are sounding again over iran... stay tuned...

AubreyJ......... said...

Bush hasn’t said anything new. He and his administration have always said the military option was on the table. Like Iraq… It’s going to be up to Iran as to how all this plays out. Now... SYRIA on the other hand.........