Exaggerated Environmental Fears, Strong Prejudice against Oil Companies and Sheer Stupidity by many in Congress Put Large Areas of Potential U.S. Oil/Gas Supplies TOTALLY Off-Limits
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
It may surprise Americans to discover that the United States is the third-largest oil producer, behind Saudi Arabia and Russia. We could be producing more, but Congress has put large areas of potential supply off-limits. These include the Atlantic and Pacific coasts and parts of Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico. By government estimates, these areas may contain 25 billion to 30 billion barrels of oil (against about 30 billion barrels of proven U.S. reserves today) and 80 trillion cubic feet or more of natural gas (compared with about 200 tcf of proven reserves.)
Read this article in full at link below...
Image Courtesy of WPClipArt
* FT.com reports this troubling news...
OPEC’s President on Monday warned that oil prices could hit $200 a barrel and there would be little the cartel could do to help...
Read the rest at link below...
OPEC’s President on Monday warned that oil prices could hit $200 a barrel and there would be little the cartel could do to help...
Read the rest at link below...
* President Bush had a few things to say about this yesterday during a Press Conference in the Rose Garden. Some of his comments went like this...
...I've repeatedly submitted proposals to help address these problems. Yet time after time, Congress chose to block them. One of the main reasons for high gas prices is that global oil production is not keeping up with growing demand. Members of Congress have been vocal about foreign governments increasing their oil production; yet Congress has been just as vocal in opposition to efforts to expand our production here at home.
They repeatedly blocked environmentally safe exploration in ANWR. The Department of Energy estimates that ANWR could allow America to produce about a million additional barrels of oil every day, which translates to about 27 millions of gallons of gasoline and diesel every day. That would be about a 20-percent increase of oil -- crude oil production over U.S. levels, and it would likely mean lower gas prices. And yet such efforts to explore in ANWR have been consistently blocked.
Another reason for high gas prices is the lack of refining capacity. It's been more than 30 years since America built its last new refinery. Yet in this area, too, Congress has repeatedly blocked efforts to expand capacity and build more refineries.
As electricity prices rise, Congress continues to block provisions needed to increase domestic electricity production by expanding the use of clean, safe nuclear power. Instead, many of the same people in Congress who complain about high energy costs support legislation that would make energy even more expensive for our consumers and small businesses.
Congress is considering bills to raise taxes on domestic energy production, impose new and costly mandates on producers, and demand dramatic emissions cuts that would shut down coal plants, and increase reliance on expensive natural gas. That would drive up prices even further. The cost of these actions would be passed on to consumers in the form of even higher prices at the pump and even bigger electric bills.

They repeatedly blocked environmentally safe exploration in ANWR. The Department of Energy estimates that ANWR could allow America to produce about a million additional barrels of oil every day, which translates to about 27 millions of gallons of gasoline and diesel every day. That would be about a 20-percent increase of oil -- crude oil production over U.S. levels, and it would likely mean lower gas prices. And yet such efforts to explore in ANWR have been consistently blocked.
Another reason for high gas prices is the lack of refining capacity. It's been more than 30 years since America built its last new refinery. Yet in this area, too, Congress has repeatedly blocked efforts to expand capacity and build more refineries.
As electricity prices rise, Congress continues to block provisions needed to increase domestic electricity production by expanding the use of clean, safe nuclear power. Instead, many of the same people in Congress who complain about high energy costs support legislation that would make energy even more expensive for our consumers and small businesses.
Congress is considering bills to raise taxes on domestic energy production, impose new and costly mandates on producers, and demand dramatic emissions cuts that would shut down coal plants, and increase reliance on expensive natural gas. That would drive up prices even further. The cost of these actions would be passed on to consumers in the form of even higher prices at the pump and even bigger electric bills.
Instead of increasing costs and increasing new roadblocks to domestic energy production, Congress needs to clear away obstacles to more affordable, more reliable energy here at home...
Read the full transcript HERE
Instead of increasing costs and increasing new roadblocks to domestic energy production, Congress needs to clear away obstacles to more affordable, more reliable energy here at home...
Read the full transcript HERE
Has video
White House photo by Chris Greenberg
White House photo by Chris Greenberg
My take is this...
* VOTE DBD for a Better Tomorrow *
DRILL Wells... BUILD new Refineries/Plants... and DEVELOP New Technologies for a better, Energy Independent, Tomorrow.
* VOTE DBD for a Better Tomorrow *
DRILL Wells... BUILD new Refineries/Plants... and DEVELOP New Technologies for a better, Energy Independent, Tomorrow.
.Come ON America!!! We GOT to stop all this in-house fighting on who has the best ideas on Energy Policy and start spreading out an umbrella of all workable ideas that will fix our energy problems TODAY and in the near/long-term future!
Everytime you drive by a gas station and see those out of sight gas prices, remember this... Talk-- talk-- talk... and NO ACTION... is NOT CHEAP! We got to start Drilling, Building and Developing new... clean technologies!!!
Like me... have you noticed that we are now starting to pay dearly for everything from gas at the pumps down to the food on our tables... all because of talk, but never any action out of congress over these last few decades...?
Both parties can find fault within... So stop pointing fingers at each other and start working together and finally get some really good laws past to help bring these crazy prices back down to something we can all live with.
I’ll say it again-
VOTE DBD for a Better Tomorrow
Demand It!!!
Your Wallet/Purse depends on it.
Everytime you drive by a gas station and see those out of sight gas prices, remember this... Talk-- talk-- talk... and NO ACTION... is NOT CHEAP! We got to start Drilling, Building and Developing new... clean technologies!!!
Like me... have you noticed that we are now starting to pay dearly for everything from gas at the pumps down to the food on our tables... all because of talk, but never any action out of congress over these last few decades...?
Both parties can find fault within... So stop pointing fingers at each other and start working together and finally get some really good laws past to help bring these crazy prices back down to something we can all live with.
I’ll say it again-
VOTE DBD for a Better Tomorrow
Demand It!!!
Your Wallet/Purse depends on it.
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