Read this report in full HERE
* LA Times Blog Website has this bit of sounding off. It starts off like this... Amid a storm of criticism that Wednesday’s Democratic presidential debate focused too heavily on “gotcha” questions and not enough on substance, ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos defended his decision to ask Illinois Sen. Barack Obama about his relationship with former political radical William Ayers. Stephanopoulos denied he’d been spoon-fed the question by Fox News host Sean Hannity...
Read the rest at link below...
Stephanopoulos defends his questions to Obama
(Got to love it!)
* Boston.com reports... ABC's Democratic debate from Philadelphia is getting panned in many quarters, but it did draw more viewers than any debate of the campaign... Nielsen Media Research reported that nearly 11 million viewers tuned in for the first weeknight, primetime forum on a broadcast network...Many of those who watched, particularly supporters of Barack Obama, were horrified, however. Commenters lit up blogs to say the debate was dominated by petty issues; some said it was the worst debate ever...
Read the rest below...
Debate rages over the debate
* Voices.KansasCity.com...
Obama won the debate (wait, Clinton won)
Photos from Candidates websites
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