Well... The day has finally come that U.S. Intelligence Officials will finally tell members of Congress what they know about North Korea helping Syria build a nuclear facility that was eventually bombed to pieces by Israel back in September 2007. The United States, Israel and Syria immediately went mum... never giving us any details about the attack and what they hit. That is until today.... ...
CIA Confirms: Israel Bombed Nuclear Reactor in Syria
* WashingtonPost.com reports... A video taken inside a secret Syrian facility last summer convinced the Israeli government and the Bush administration that North Korea was helping to construct a reactor similar to one that produces plutonium for North Korea's nuclear arsenal, according to senior U.S. officials who said it would be shared with lawmakers today... The officials said the video of the remote site, code-named Al Kibar by the Syrians, shows North Koreans inside. It played a pivotal role in Israel's decision to bomb the facility late at night last Sept. 6, a move that was publicly denounced by Damascus but not by Washington...
N. Koreans Taped At Syrian Reactor
(Need Google Earth to view)
UPDATED: Friday, April 25, 2008
Sorry to take so long. Finally got what I was looking for...
Click out the 11 minute video, in BBC News part of this post below.
But for now...
The following is from:
The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
Statement by the Press Secretary
Thursday, April 24, 2008

We are briefing the IAEA on this intelligence. The Syrian regime must come clean before the world regarding its illicit nuclear activities. The Syrian regime supports terrorism, takes action that destabilizes Lebanon, allows the transit of some foreign fighters into Iraq, and represses its own people. If Syria wants better relations with the international community, it should put an end to these activities.
We have long been seriously concerned about North Korea's nuclear weapons program and its proliferation activities. North Korea's clandestine nuclear cooperation with Syria is a dangerous manifestation of those activities. One way we have chosen to deal with this problem is through the Six Party Framework. Through this process we are working with our partners to achieve the verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. The United States is also committed to ensuring that North Korea does not further engage in proliferation activities. We will work with our partners to establish in the Six Party Framework a rigorous verification mechanism to ensure that such conduct and other nuclear activities have ceased.
The construction of this reactor was a dangerous and potentially destabilizing development for the region and the world. This is particularly true because it was done covertly and in violation of the very procedures designed to reassure the world of the peaceful intent of nuclear activities. This development also serves as a reminder that often the same regimes that sponsor proliferation also sponsor terrorism and foster instability, and cooperate with one another in doing so. This underscores that the international community is right to be very concerned about the nuclear activities of Iran and the risks those activities pose to the stability of the Middle East. To confront this challenge, the international community must take further steps, beginning with the full implementation of the United Nations Security Council resolutions dealing with Iranian nuclear activities. The United States calls upon the international community to redouble our common efforts to ending these activities and preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction in this critical region.
Here’s what we been waiting for!
Thanks to the BBC News website, we now got it.
The US has accused North Korea of helping Syria build a nuclear reactor that "was not intended for peaceful purposes"... The CIA presented the following video to members of Congress, claiming it shows similarities between a North Korean reactor and one in Syria which was bombed by Israel in 2007.
Footage courtesy of US Government video – A little over 11 minutes long
Click out the VIDEO HERE
* Read more from BBC News today HERE
... ********************
Read this report in full at link below...
IAEA chief hits out at US, Israel over Syrian reactor claims
Syrian Ambassador Rejects US Nuclear Charges
About video: After being briefed by American officials, Syria's ambassador to Washington, Imad Moustapha, has denied US allegations that his country was building a nuclear reactor with help from North Korea.
Video posted on YouTube by AlJazeeraEnglish
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