Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Iran: On Ground Updates - December 29, 2009

Iran: On Ground Updates
A government that can only stay in power by shooting its own people in the streets and blocking their communication with the outside world is in serious trouble...
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
. Iran Map by DoD-CENTCOM
* The bloody events of recent days in Iran have demonstrated the repressive nature of the regime and the deep discontent surfacing in a country denied democratic freedoms. A government that can only stay in power by shooting its own people in the streets and blocking their communication with the outside world is in serious trouble...
Read William Hague’s full article at the Telegraph.co.uk website at link below...
There is still time to foil Iran's bomb plot
* Our friends at the Debka.com website had the following good read posted up on their website on the 28th... Iranian sources reveal that Mir Hossein Mousavi's nephew, Ali Habib, was not shot dead during a Tehran demonstration Sunday, Dec. 27, as reported, but waylaid and gunned down as he left his home. Fresh riots followed the disappearance of the body from the hospital Monday. The episode became even more ominous when Iran's security services Chief Gen. Radan accused Mousavi of the murder to incite further violence. The opposition fears that the murder of Mousavi's nephew augurs physical liquidations of its leaders... The current upsurge of violence across Iran is the most dangerous yet because for the first time demonstrators are turning round to attack security forces, the Revolutionary Guardsmen and Basijj paramilitaries...
Read the full report at link below...
Iran reels toward popular counter-revolution
Well... The above point a view by William Hague at the Telegraph.co.uk website pretty much sums the events up over the last so many days in Iran! Sadly... sanctions are a year or two too late and I believe only military action by Israel will bring this mess to a halt... and for at least 3 to 5 years.
Only then will we AGAIN... have the breathing room to give the Iranian people a chance to make a Regime Change within their government... One that the west and the rest of the world can live with.
Bottom line is there is a time when blood must be shed... Look at what is going on in the streets of Iran over the last so many days... The people of Iran have made their minds up and the time for CHANGE is NOW!
Light ‘em up, Israel!!!
History’s calling...


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