Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Independent Katrina Commission- Closed doors only please…

If the Democrats were ever to get an Independent Commission going… to review what went right or wrong with the Katrina Response… god please let it be Closed Doors Only. If there is ever another open to TV-- Independent Commission like the 9-11 Commission… I think I’ll shoot myself!!!

What a waste of time and money of all those Democrat Blowhards getting face time… All I saw them do, most of the time, was ask questions that lasted forever and ended up more of a point of view, from them, than a question to start with. For every 10 minutes of time that they opened their blowhard mouths… the person being questioned by them got 30 seconds- maybe!!! Not to mention the cheerleading group in the audience everyday… We all know who they were now don’t we???

You know who got all the work done by that 9-11 Commission??? It wasn’t the TV Cameras or the Blowhards… It was the Staff, (behind closed doors,) of those on the Commission who did all the foot work and put it all together… The Blowhards just got to sign off for all their Staff Workers work. And us… the Tax Payers… got to pay Millions for a BUSH BASHING SHOW......

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