Wednesday, September 21, 2005

New Orleans – Houston – Hurricane Rita – War on Terror

The MSM will not get off of New Orleans for nothing… New Orleans has already been taken out!!! There’s hardly anyone left in the city right now… If it goes under again that’s bad and sad but the damage has already been done…

For now-- the MSM needs to be paying most of their attention to all those fools who won't listen to the warnings of their locals in Texas-- to what’s going on in Galveston Bay- City of Houston - Galveston- Freeport- NASA Johnson Space Center- those big refineries around there- and the list goes on in Texas.

This is where all the hell is going to break loose-- If Rita should come in as a Category 4 or 5 and hits just west of Galveston / Houston-- you will not see much in the news on New Orleans for a long time… This can get bad-- REAL Bad-- Katrina Bad or worse…

Another sad thing is those in this country have already completely taken their focus off of the War on Terror-- and that’s a storm that can kill many, many more than any Hurricane, Mother Nature could ever whip up.
Never forget my butt-- MSM and America already has…

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