About photo: A memorial is displayed in honor of Corporal Mark D. Kidd from Milford, MI with Headquarters and Support Company, 1st Battalion, 24th Marines. Regimental Combat Team 6 is deployed with II Marine Expeditionary Force in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom in the Al Anbar Province of Iraq (Multi-National Forces-West) to develop the Iraqi Security Forces, facilitate the development of official rule of law through democratic government reforms and continue the development of a market based economy centered on Iraqi Reconstruction.
U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl Samuel D. Corum
President's Saturday Radio Address

"This Memorial Day, I ask all Americans to honor the sacrifices of those who have served you and our country. One way to do so is by joining in a moment of remembrance that will be marked across our country at 3:00 p.m. local time. At that moment, Major League Baseball games will pause, the National Memorial Day parade will halt, Amtrak trains will blow their whistles, and buglers in military cemeteries will play Taps. You can participate by placing a flag at a veteran's grave, taking your family to the battlefields where freedom was defended, or saying a silent prayer for all the Americans who were delivered out of the agony of war to meet their Creator. Their bravery has preserved the country we love so dearly."
Read the full transcript or hear the audio HERE
White House file photo by Eric Draper
DoD has this Special today...
Comrades, Loved Ones Provide Reminders of Memorial Day’s Meaning
AP.Google.com brings us this wonderful story...
Frank Woodruff Buckles, the last known living American-born veteran of World War I, was honored Sunday at the Liberty Memorial during Memorial Day weekend celebrations... "I had a feeling of longevity and that I might be among those who survived, but I didn't know I'd be the No. 1," the 107-year-old veteran said at a ceremony to unveil his portrait...
Read the rest at link below...
Last known WWI veteran honored for Memorial Day
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