The May, 2008 Conflict
Friday, May 09, 2008

Read the full report at link below...
* reports...
Shiite Hezbollah gunmen seized control of key parts of Beirut from Sunnis loyal to the U.S.-backed government Friday, a dramatic show-of-force certain to strengthen the Iranian-allied group's hand as it fights for dominance in Lebanon's political deadlock... An ally of Hezbollah said the group intended to pull back, at least partially, from the areas its gunmen occupied overnight and Friday morning — signaling Hezbollah likely does not intend a full-scale, permanent takeover of Sunni Muslim parts of Beirut, similar to the Hamas takeover of Gaza a year ago... The clashes eased by Friday evening as Lebanon's army began peacefully moving into some areas where Hezbollah gunmen had a presence... But as Hezbollah gunmen celebrated in the capital's empty streets — including marching down Hamra Street, one of its glitziest shopping lanes — it was clear that the show-of-force would have wide implications for Lebanon and the entire Mideast...
Read the full report at link below...
Hezbollah gunmen seize control of Beirut neighborhoods
* Yahoo News has this report today and it starts off like this... Iran on Friday accused

Read the rest at link below...
* reports...European governments today advised their nationals against travel to Lebanon after the Shia militant group Hizbullah seized control of the western half of the capital city, Beirut, this morning...
Read the rest of this short report at link below...
* has this informative report out today on all the mess going on in Lebanon and it starts off like this... With Hamas running Gaza on Israel's south-west border, Fatah attempting to take over Judea and Samaria in eastern Israel, Iranian-backed Hizbullah terrorists and allied pro-Syrian forces are fighting the Lebanese army - and have taken over parts of Beirut... Lebanon has been without a president since November, when the pro-Syrian minority, which includes several Hizbullah ministers, demanded more representation in the Cabinet. The Western-backed government coalition has been struggling for months with the Hizbullah terrorist-led faction to retain control of the country while other Arab nations are eyeing the situation with increasing concern..
Read the full report at link below...
Arab Civil War on Israel's Border: Hizbullah Seizes West Beirut
* reports...
Takeover of Muslim parts of Lebanese capital by Hizbullah forces prompts concern among western, Arab leaders. Rice restates US' support for Siniora's government; Egypt and Saudi Arabia call for urgent Arab League summit...
Read the rest at link below...
International alarm at Hizbullah 'coup' in Beirut
* Hezbollah gaining ground *
About News Video: CNN's Cal Perry reports... Hezbollah forces seized control of half of Beirut... Hezbollah militias assume control of western Beirut
Video posted on LiveLeak by bellava
Clashes intensify on Beirut streets - 09 May 08
About above video: Aljazeera has this News Video report
Video posted on LiveLeak by Dat1111
* brings us this early Saturday morning point WITH PHOTOS...
Hezbollah proved today what the Lebanese have always suspected... and that is... it wants Syria and its president Bashar al Assad back in Lebanon. As they say a picture is worth a thousand words. We will let the pictures speak for themselves, with a little help...
Hezbollah wants Assad back in Lebanon
Also from the website...
* War in Lebanon Day 3 in Photos
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